Friday, January 2, 2009

I went to yoga this morning for the first time in MONTHS. I have been feeling so sluggish and just plain yucky. So I am glad I went. Tom bought me a gift certificate to my favorite studio (upon request) and it felt so great to be back. I hate New Year's Resolutions, but doing something physical to make me feel better about me has to be a priority.
My sister is coming to visit tonight and I am so happppppyyyyy. It has been a while and although we fought like cats and dogs when we were young, she is my best friend. I don't have Nikki and Matthew's presents wrapped, but I will get up early and take care of that. House is cleaned, beds made and the fridges are stocked. Woo hoo.
I was going to post a photo for today, but realize I have two cute ones I need to do. So here are Nick (7) and Chris (5)


  1. Your photos are very cute indeed !!! It is so difficult to just chose one sometimes :)



  2. glad you're back at yoga! you'll be stretching smoothly w/out question very soon! those boys are so handsome!!! have fun w/the sister~

  3. My Dr. said I should try some lite yoga to help manage pain..know of any good CD's? Going to a yoga group or class is out of the question here in the boonies LOL
    I love both of your shots, you simply can't go wrong with photos of beautiful boys :-)
